Sunday, October 21, 2007

When we were with him in the hospital he was totally aware of who we were and his surroundings. He made a lot of jokes with the staff at the hospital and kept telling the xray tech that she drove his bed like a drunk driver. He was the entertainment to all the other people that were there that night. He said he appreciates all the visits he gets from the grandkids and hopes he is not a burden.

He prayed to Heavenly Father when he fell that he would heal quickly so he could go back to the Temple again. But he thinks the big room in the home is the temple because that is where they take him for church. He is good to go to church and loves family home evenings. The post cards are great! Thank you to all who are sending them. They staff loves to read them to him.

1 comment:

Yvette said...

Does Grandpa have to wear a brace? At first I thought that I could see it on him in the photos but then realized it's a blanket. I hope he knows how much we all love him. Corey and I visited him on Saturday, before the fall. He was joking and very pleasant. We try to visit him when we are up north for Corey's National Guard training. I usually take my kids and even though it makes them a little nervous to be in the rest home, they are glad to see Grandpa and he is always glad to see us!